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18 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videoio/videoio.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
//sro 菜神 Orz
cv::Mat chessboard, whiteChess, blackChess, tmp, BGS;
int is_red(Vec3b X) {
// cout << (int)X[1] << ' ' << (int)X[2] << ' ' << (int)X[3] << endl;
return X[0] < 200 && X[1] < 200 && X[2] > 230;
cv::Mat BG;
void imageCopyToBG(cv::Mat chess, int x, int y) {
x *= 35;
y *= 35;
int rows = chess.rows;
int cols = chess.cols;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
if (!is_red(<Vec3b>(i, j))) {<Vec3b>(x + i + 8, y + j + 8) =<Vec3b>(i, j);
class CONFIG {
static const int BOARD_SIZE = 15;
static const int EMPTY = 0;
static const int USER_1 = 1;
static const int USER_2 = 2;
static const int AI_EMPTY = 0; // 无子
static const int AI_MY = 1; // 待评价子
static const int AI_OP = 2; // 对方子或不能下子
static const int MAX_NODE = 2;
static const int MIN_NODE = 1;
static const int INF = 106666666;
static const int ERROR_INDEX = -1;
static const int AI_ZERO = 0;
static const int AI_ONE = 10;
static const int AI_ONE_S = 1;
static const int AI_TWO = 100;
static const int AI_TWO_S = 10;
static const int AI_THREE = 1000;
static const int AI_THREE_S = 100;
static const int AI_FOUR = 10000;
static const int AI_FOUR_S = 1000;
static const int AI_FIVE = 100000;
class Grid :CONFIG {
int type; //类型
Grid() {
type = EMPTY;
Grid(int t) {
type = t;
void grid(int t = EMPTY) {
type = t;
int isEmpty() {
return type == EMPTY ? true : false;
class ChessBoard :CONFIG {
Grid chessBoard[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE];
ChessBoard() {
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j)
ChessBoard(const ChessBoard &othr) {
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j)
bool placePiece(int x, int y, int type) {
if (chessBoard[x][y].isEmpty()) {
chessBoard[x][y].type = type;
return true;
return false;
class Game :CONFIG {
ChessBoard curState; // 当前棋盘
bool isStart; // 是否进行中
int curUser; // 当前行棋人
int MAX_DEPTH; // 最大搜索层数
void startGame(int nd = 2) {
isStart = true;
curUser = USER_1;
void changeUser() {
curUser = curUser == USER_1 ? USER_2 : USER_1;
返回A是待判断棋子 无棋子 对方棋子
int getPieceType(int A, int type) {
return A == type ? AI_MY : (A == EMPTY ? AI_EMPTY : AI_OP);
int getPieceType(const ChessBoard &board, int x, int y, int type) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= BOARD_SIZE || y >= BOARD_SIZE)// 超出边界按对方棋子算
return AI_OP;
return getPieceType(board.chessBoard[x][y].type, type);
bool placePiece(int x, int y) {
if (curState.placePiece(x, y, curUser)) {
// 检察行棋人是否胜利
if (isWin(x, y)) {
isStart = false; // 游戏结束
// return true;
changeUser(); // 转换游戏角色
return true;
return false;
bool isWin(int x, int y) {
if (evaluatePiece(curState, x, y, curUser) >= AI_FIVE)
return true;
return false;
int evaluateLine(int line[], bool ALL) {
int value = 0; // 估值
int cnt = 0; // 连子数
int blk = 0; // 封闭数
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i) {
if (line[i] == AI_MY) { // 找到第一个己方的棋子
// 还原计数
cnt = 1;
blk = 0;
// 看左侧是否封闭
if (line[i - 1] == AI_OP)
// 计算连子数
for (i = i + 1; i < BOARD_SIZE && line[i] == AI_MY; ++i, ++cnt);
// 看右侧是否封闭
if (line[i] == AI_OP)
// 计算评估值
value += getValue(cnt, blk);
return value;
int evaluateLine(int line[]) {
int cnt = 1; // 连子数
int blk = 0; // 封闭数
// 向左右扫
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
if (line[i] == AI_MY) ++cnt;
else if (line[i] == AI_OP) {
for (int i = 5; i < 9; ++i) {
if (line[i] == AI_MY) ++cnt;
else if (line[i] == AI_OP) {
return getValue(cnt, blk);
int getValue(int cnt, int blk) {
if (blk == 0) {// 活棋
switch (cnt) {
case 1:
return AI_ONE;
case 2:
return AI_TWO;
case 3:
return AI_THREE;
case 4:
return AI_FOUR;
return AI_FIVE;
else if (blk == 1) {// 单向封死
switch (cnt) {
case 1:
return AI_ONE_S;
case 2:
return AI_TWO_S;
case 3:
return AI_THREE_S;
case 4:
return AI_FOUR_S;
return AI_FIVE;
else {// 双向堵死
if (cnt >= 5)
return AI_FIVE;
return AI_ZERO;
int evaluatePiece(ChessBoard state, int x, int y, int type) {
int value = 0; // 估价值
int line[17]; //线状态
bool flagX[8];// 横向边界标志
flagX[0] = x - 4 < 0;
flagX[1] = x - 3 < 0;
flagX[2] = x - 2 < 0;
flagX[3] = x - 1 < 0;
flagX[4] = x + 1 > 14;
flagX[5] = x + 2 > 14;
flagX[6] = x + 3 > 14;
flagX[7] = x + 4 > 14;
bool flagY[8];// 纵向边界标志
flagY[0] = y - 4 < 0;
flagY[1] = y - 3 < 0;
flagY[2] = y - 2 < 0;
flagY[3] = y - 1 < 0;
flagY[4] = y + 1 > 14;
flagY[5] = y + 2 > 14;
flagY[6] = y + 3 > 14;
flagY[7] = y + 4 > 14;
line[4] = AI_MY; // 中心棋子
// 横
line[0] = flagX[0] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 4][y].type, type));
line[1] = flagX[1] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 3][y].type, type));
line[2] = flagX[2] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 2][y].type, type));
line[3] = flagX[3] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 1][y].type, type));
line[5] = flagX[4] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 1][y].type, type));
line[6] = flagX[5] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 2][y].type, type));
line[7] = flagX[6] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 3][y].type, type));
line[8] = flagX[7] ? AI_OP : (getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 4][y].type, type));
value += evaluateLine(line);
// 纵
line[0] = flagY[0] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y - 4].type, type);
line[1] = flagY[1] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y - 3].type, type);
line[2] = flagY[2] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y - 2].type, type);
line[3] = flagY[3] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y - 1].type, type);
line[5] = flagY[4] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y + 1].type, type);
line[6] = flagY[5] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y + 2].type, type);
line[7] = flagY[6] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y + 3].type, type);
line[8] = flagY[7] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x][y + 4].type, type);
value += evaluateLine(line);
// 左上-右下
line[0] = flagX[0] || flagY[0] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 4][y - 4].type, type);
line[1] = flagX[1] || flagY[1] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 3][y - 3].type, type);
line[2] = flagX[2] || flagY[2] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 2][y - 2].type, type);
line[3] = flagX[3] || flagY[3] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 1][y - 1].type, type);
line[5] = flagX[4] || flagY[4] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 1][y + 1].type, type);
line[6] = flagX[5] || flagY[5] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 2][y + 2].type, type);
line[7] = flagX[6] || flagY[6] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 3][y + 3].type, type);
line[8] = flagX[7] || flagY[7] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 4][y + 4].type, type);
value += evaluateLine(line);
// 右上-左下
line[0] = flagX[7] || flagY[0] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 4][y - 4].type, type);
line[1] = flagX[6] || flagY[1] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 3][y - 3].type, type);
line[2] = flagX[5] || flagY[2] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 2][y - 2].type, type);
line[3] = flagX[4] || flagY[3] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x + 1][y - 1].type, type);
line[5] = flagX[3] || flagY[4] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 1][y + 1].type, type);
line[6] = flagX[2] || flagY[5] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 2][y + 2].type, type);
line[7] = flagX[1] || flagY[6] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 3][y + 3].type, type);
line[8] = flagX[0] || flagY[7] ? AI_OP : getPieceType(state.chessBoard[x - 4][y + 4].type, type);
value += evaluateLine(line);
return value;
int evaluateState(ChessBoard state, int type) {
int value = 0;
// 分解成线状态
int line[6][17];
int lineP;
for (int p = 0; p < 6; ++p)
line[p][0] = line[p][16] = AI_OP;
// 从四个方向产生
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i) {
// 产生线状态
lineP = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j) {
line[0][lineP] = getPieceType(state, i, j, type); /* | */
line[1][lineP] = getPieceType(state, j, i, type); /* - */
line[2][lineP] = getPieceType(state, i + j, j, type); /* \ */
line[3][lineP] = getPieceType(state, i - j, j, type); /* / */
line[4][lineP] = getPieceType(state, j, i + j, type); /* \ */
line[5][lineP] = getPieceType(state, BOARD_SIZE - j - 1, i + j, type); /* / */
// 估计
int special = i == 0 ? 4 : 6;
for (int p = 0; p < special; ++p) {
value += evaluateLine(line[p], true);
return value;
若x, y位置周围1格内有棋子则搜索
bool canSearch(ChessBoard state, int x, int y) {
int tmpx = x - 1;
int tmpy = y - 1;
for (int i = 0; tmpx < BOARD_SIZE && i < 3; ++tmpx, ++i) {
int ty = tmpy;
for (int j = 0; ty < BOARD_SIZE && j < 3; ++ty, ++j) {
if (tmpx >= 0 && ty >= 0 && state.chessBoard[tmpx][ty].type != EMPTY)
return true;
return false;
int nextType(int type) {
return type == MAX_NODE ? MIN_NODE : MAX_NODE;
state 待转换的状态
type 当前层的标记MAX MIN
depth 当前层深
alpha 父层alpha值
beta 父层beta值
int minMax(ChessBoard state, int x, int y, int type, int depth, int alpha, int beta) {
ChessBoard newState(state);
newState.placePiece(x, y, nextType(type));
int weight = 0;
int max = -INF; // 下层权值上界
int min = INF; // 下层权值下界
if (depth < MAX_DEPTH) {
// 已输或已胜则不继续搜索
if (evaluatePiece(newState, x, y, nextType(type)) >= AI_FIVE) {
if (type == MIN_NODE)
return AI_FIVE; // 我方胜
return -AI_FIVE;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j) {
if (newState.chessBoard[i][j].type == EMPTY && canSearch(newState, i, j)) {
weight = minMax(newState, i, j, nextType(type), depth + 1, min, max);
if (weight > max)
max = weight; // 更新下层上界
if (weight < min)
min = weight; // 更新下层下界
// alpha-beta
if (type == MAX_NODE) {
if (max >= alpha)
return max;
else {
if (min <= beta)
return min;
if (type == MAX_NODE)
return max; // 最大层给出最大值
return min; // 最小层给出最小值
else {
weight = evaluateState(newState, MAX_NODE); // 评估我方局面
weight -= type == MIN_NODE ? evaluateState(newState, MIN_NODE) * 10 : evaluateState(newState, MIN_NODE); // 评估对方局面
return weight; // 搜索到限定层后给出权值
AI 行棋
bool placePieceAI() {
int weight;
int max = -INF; // 本层的权值上界
int x = 0, y = 0;
memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j) {
if (curState.chessBoard[i][j].type == EMPTY && canSearch(curState, i, j)) {
weight = minMax(curState, i, j, nextType(MAX_NODE), 1, -INF, max);
cnt[i][j] = weight;
if (weight > max) {
max = weight; // 更新下层上界
x = i;
y = j;
return placePiece(x, y); // AI最优点
void show() {
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j) {
if (curState.chessBoard[i][j].type == 1)
imageCopyToBG(blackChess, i, j);
if (curState.chessBoard[i][j].type == 2)
imageCopyToBG(whiteChess, i, j);
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; ++j) {
if (curState.chessBoard[i][j].type == 0)
cout << " -";
if (curState.chessBoard[i][j].type == 1)
cout << " X";
if (curState.chessBoard[i][j].type == 2)
cout << " O";
cout << endl;
imshow("gobang", BG);
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int X, Y = 0;
int optIsOk = 1;
Game G;
static void onMouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void*)
if (!optIsOk) return;
X = x; Y = y;
optIsOk = 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
chessboard = cv::imread("chessboard.bmp");
tmp = cv::imread("whiteChess.bmp");
resize(tmp, whiteChess, Size(30, 30), 0, 0, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
tmp = cv::imread("blackChess.bmp");
resize(tmp, blackChess, Size(30, 30), 0, 0, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
namedWindow("gobang", 1);
setMouseCallback("gobang", onMouse, 0);
imshow("gobang", BG);
int flag = 0;
for (;;)
// if (!optIsOk) {
/* int tx = (X - 8) / 35, ty = (Y - 8) / 35;
cout << tx << ' ' << ty << endl;
G.placePiece(ty, tx);
cout << tx << ' ' << ty << endl;*/
optIsOk = 1;
// }
return 0;