# Radar Scan Context - Scan Context also works for the radar data (i.e., Navtech radar) - Radar Scan Context was introduced in the [MulRan dataset paper](https://irap.kaist.ac.kr/publications/gskim-2020-icra.pdf) - This directory contains the evaluation code, for [radar place recognition](https://sites.google.com/view/mulran-pr/radar-place-recognition), used in the MulRan paper. - if you use the dataset or our method, please refer the paper: ``` @INPROCEEDINGS { gskim-2020-icra, AUTHOR = { Giseop Kim, Yeong Sang Park, Younghun Cho, Jinyong Jeong, Ayoung Kim }, TITLE = { MulRan: Multimodal Range Dataset for Urban Place Recognition }, BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) }, YEAR = { 2020 }, MONTH = { May }, ADDRESS = { Paris } } ``` - More information about the radar data, please refer [MulRan](https://sites.google.com/view/mulran-pr/home) or Oxford Radar RobotCar dataset ## How to use - 1. write your own MulRan dataset path in the main.m file - 2. run main.m (then some data and evaluation files will be generated) - 3. run prcurve_drawer.m